Buying Process

1 min. readlast update: 12.29.2023

PublicSquare offers a streamlined process for investors looking to acquire new or off-the-plan properties. These properties are perfect for those who want the benefits of high depreciation, low maintenance, and a strong potential for value growth. They are built by leading Australian builders and often come with extra perks like free depreciation schedules.

When you show interest in a property package, you'll need to pay a refundable deposit of $1,000 to $3,000. This is part of submitting your expression of interest (EOI). Along with your EOI, you'll agree to PublicSquare's terms and conditions and receive a signed copy of our Tenant Assurance Guarantee, ensuring your peace of mind.

After this, the builder or developer will prepare a contract for you to review. This contract usually comes in two parts: one for the land and one for the house. This two-part contract is a standard approach in property transactions for new properties and has the added benefit of alleviating some of your stamp duty costs because you only pay stamp duty on the land value, not the construction. 

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